Secrets of successful change leadership
Understanding change management has become a core capability for leaders and managers in our ever changing world. The degree of change along with its pace and complexity is an every day part of our work life. Developing internal change capability throughout the organisation will enable businesses to successfully steer their way to realising change benefits while maintaining a high performing, engaged organisation.
The Secrets of Smart Change Leadership provides an overview of key change language, processes and models and examines the role of a leader during change. We explore different personal reactions to change, how to manage these reactions, how to develop, share and inspire with your vision and how to maximise your employee engagement during and after to ensure a sustained change.
Communicating for change
Communication is one of the key change levers. We all respond differently to change. It’s important to understand the various ways people can react to change and how you effectively communicate with them to ensure maximum support and minimum disruption during a specific change event.
The Communicating for Change programme is designed to build capability in communicating for change, building the case for change, understanding individual responses to change and therefore how to most effectively build a compelling change story.
Demystifying change
Demystifying Change Management provides an overview of key change language, processes and models commonly used in managing change. Attendees will have the opportunity to understand their organisations current change capability and how they can improve it while also gaining an appreciation of their own and other common reactions to change. This programme is a superb organisational introduction to the basics of change management for those organisations who are becoming aware of the opportunities to maximise their change programmes.
Type and Change
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a world renowned tool used to determine an individual’s personality type. In our Type and Change programme we explore how different personality types react to change and how you can work with these differences to better support your teams and maximise your programme success. This has the added benefit of helping you understand your own reaction to change and better manage yourself when in a changing environment.